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Intrum Innovation Day 2024 -Embedded Finance – On to new shores in the financial world

Hello dear readers,

Today I would like to talk about the exciting topic of embedded finance, which I was able to present yesterday at the Intrum Innovation Day in Zurich. It was a great opportunity to be part of this event and to share my knowledge and experience about embedded finance.

Embedded finance is not just a term, it is a revolution in the financial world that goes beyond the traditional framework of financial services. It is about integrating financial services directly into the products and services of non-financial companies to create a seamless customer experience.

André Renfer - Presentation at Intrum Innovation Day 2024

In my talk I highlighted various aspects of embedded finance:

  1. What is embedded finance? Embedded finance is the embedding of financial services into the customer experience of companies that do not traditionally offer financial services. This approach makes it possible to offer seamless and user-friendly financial services to the end customer.

  2. The potential of embedded finance The possibilities are enormous - from increasing customer loyalty to improving the customer experience to generating new revenue streams for companies. Embedded finance enables brands to strengthen the relationship with the end customer and increase customer satisfaction.

  3. Challenges and risks Although the opportunities are great, there are also challenges such as compliance, risk management and the need for a new culture and mindset in the financial sector. Proper governance is key to implementing embedded finance cooperation models.

  4. About Partes AG I also had the opportunity to introduce Partes AG, a company at the forefront of this innovation and offering comprehensive solutions for embedded finance.

I would like to thank all participants for their interest. It was an inspiring experience to discuss the future of financial services with experts and interested parties from various fields.

Are you concerned with the question " Embedded Finance - Should I Stay or should I Go? " We would be happy to support you with our experience as a compass and implementation partner and to accompany you on the path to new shores in the financial world.

If you would like further information about embedded finance or Partes AG, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to sharing my experiences and continuing the discussions on this exciting topic.

Best regards

André Renfer

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